There’s no doubting it. That was the worst day of my life so far. The day my best friend died. Racing across London in the back of a taxi, heading from my office to my friend’s flat to see for myself that my best friend had indeed died. It couldn’t be. The living room door […]
10 Top Tips for candidates on how to ace your next interview
How can you ace your next interview? These 10 top tips will help you stand out from the crowd and give you every chance of landing your dream role. What are employers looking for? How can you ‘cut through’ and ensure they take you seriously? Read on and find out.
To me, by me, through me, as me. How do you communicate?
Effective communication skills lie at the heart of your personal and business success. See how my epiphany in Australia can benefit you.
Top 10 lessons from my week on the hospital ward
From hospital food to reflections on how important your family is. Take a look inside an Aussie hospital as I share my top 10 lessons from a week on the ward.
Want to achieve your number one goal in just 100 days? Here’s how – but act fast.
Every year you set new goals. How many of them do you ACTUALLY achieve? Here’s a wonderful way you can in 2016. Read on to find out how to get your hands on your new accountability partner.
Comments and reviews can be really powerful
Your business depends on the comments and reviews of your clients and customers. We consumers wield so much more power than ever before. See what you can do to harness that power.
What is your life purpose?
Ever get the feeling you are not doing what you were meant to in life? Do you have a higher calling or a nagging itch? Me too. Here are some ways to find out what is your life purpose and set the wheels in motion to get you on the right path.
It’s time for me to “do or not do, there is no try”
2016 will be my best year ever. I realise I have to do or not do. Find out about the commitments I am making and the content I will be writing about right here. I also have some exciting announcements about new ways to discover my content coming in 2016.
For your eyes only!
Christmas is a time for saying thank you. And for lots of people it marks a turning point in the year when we start to look ahead.
This is your chance to help me refine my voice
There is no shame in asking for help. I am trying to refine my voice here on the blog and would love your help. Here’s how…